Life License Qualification Program (LLQP) Exam Preparation
Few people can study for and pass the LLQP exam without any help. If you are among most people who need help, this "Guaranteed to Pass" LLQP exam preparation is for you. I tried to bring ONLY the notes and contents you need to know to pass the exam (Remember that the passing grade is 60% and you do not need to know all the details).
DO NOT FORGET “AUTHOR’S BULLETS” at the end of each module. These are some important bullet points to know.
I hope you find this helpful.
Good luck
By the way, I also added some tips and strategies that can help you to pass your LLQP exam on the first try.
Mahmood Bagheri, PEng, PMP, MSc
Licensed Financial Advisor
This guide contains all of the LLQP exam information you need to be successful when you take your LLQP exam. Created by Mahmood, this exam preparation follows the strategies below:
1) Using plain English
2) Referring only to essentials (If you have less, you are happier, right?)
3) Using the “CISRO” textbooks as the only reference
In recent years, the LLQP exam questions have been more scenario-based, so you should understand the contents in this guide and not only memorize them.
Remember that this guide can be used during your real projects too. Keep it in your office and review it whenever needed.
If there is ever anything you want to know about the LLQP exam or just need help, contact Mahmood.
Guaranteed to Pass" LLQP exam preparation